National CyberWatch Mastery Badge Program: Raising the BAR of Cybersecurity Capability Maturity
Learn how to become one of the first to earn a National CyberWatch Mastery Badge in the Information Security Fundamentals Series. This webcast focuses on the first of a series of credentials that apply Behaviorally Anchored Rating (BAR) Systems to accurately predict job and career readiness in the Cybersecurity profession. The results will document your capabilities for current and potential employers and you will receive detailed guidance on what capabilities you need to improve with recommendations for resources that can help you to raise your cybersecurity capability maturity.
This first installment in a series of Raising the BAR formative credentialing webcast events will provide you a hands-on opportunity to assess the depth of your knowledge of security related topics in network protocols and your capabilities to perform essential tasks for securing and protecting critical infrastructure systems. You will receive an instant overview of your results with a more detailed report emailed to you in a few weeks that benchmarks your capabilities against your peers and experienced cybersecurity professionals. The Raise the BAR formative credentialing is brought to you by the generous support of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
When: May 23, 2019
Time: 8-9pm ET
About the presenter:
Dr. David H. Tobey is the Director of Research and Assessments for the National CyberWatch Center and an Assistant Professor of Management in the Judd Leighton School of Business and Economics at Indiana University South Bend. His research applies the latest advances in neuroscience to accelerate and enhance the development of capability maturity in entrant and existing workers to address the growing skills gap crisis.