2015-2016 Annual Report – National CyberWatch Center
In the past year, attention on cybersecurity has increased as evidenced by the daily barrage of breaches to both public and private sector organizations, the continued shortage of qualified technicians and increased awareness of risks in the board and C-level suites.
A growing portion of this attention is focused on cybersecurity education, specifically the role community colleges play in solving some of the nation’s information security challenges. National CyberWatch Center continues to build on and share effective practices; eliminate duplication of effort; and coordinate, standardize and proselytize various educational and training initiatives showing tremendous promise as viable solutions to ever- important workforce challenges. National CyberWatch Center ensures that the community college “voice” is heard in the national dialogue, the pathways between two-year and four-year tracks are aligned, curriculum standards now being shaped have strong community college input, and the student pipeline is filled and workforce shortages are abated.